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Here’s my story…

I’m just a guy with too much stuff in my garage – just like everybody else. When I finally decided to build a yard shed, of course I was curious to know how much the materials would cost. I wasn’t happy with any of the shed cost calculators online, so I decided to make my own. And after I built my shed I figured I may as well let others benefit from it as well. I’ve done my best to figure the number of studs, floor panels, wall panels, shingles, etc for a given size shed. Then I include the current cost of these items, in your location, to determine the total cost of materials to build a shed. If you have ideas for improving the calculator, I’d love to hear them. Please contact me and I’ll include them on future editions of the calculator.

Learn How to Build a Shed the Right Way the First Time

You want to build a shed and we want toย help you do it right. Get tips on selecting the right location, foundation, plans, materials, tools, and much more.