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Shed Building Guide – 3 Things You Have to Get Right

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So you’ve decided you want to build a shed, or you’re considering if you want to build one. The reality is that it’s not just a simple matter of grabbing some planks, screws, nails, and a hammer, then getting to work. If you want to get started quickly and without any hurdles though, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll give you and discuss three important tips that will be essential to ensuring that your project goes as smoothly and as efficiently as possible. And of course you’ll need the right shed building tools.

Tip 1: Make Sure You’re Allowed to Build It in the First Place

It may be tempting to think that you just can just wake up one day and start building a shed, and while that certainly can be the case, often things just aren’t that simple. Often, you will need to go through several layers of bureaucracy at your local permit office to ensure that you have permission. Call them as far ahead of time as you can, so that you have plenty of time to ensure you meet any and all requirements that they have for building on your own property.

For example, you may be able to build the shed, but you can’t wire it up to electricity. Depending on what you intended the shed to be used for, that could throw a serious wrench into your plans. There’s nothing worse than getting everything ready, then finding out at the very last minute that you have to cancel everything. 

Don’t let this happen to you. Prepare accordingly.

Tip 2: Consider Using a Kit Over Building From Scratch

You’ve made sure that you can build on the land, but are you certain that you want to build your shed from scratch? Depending on how much time you have and the help you’re able to find to assist you in building, it may be more efficient to look into buying a kit and assembling the shed from prefabricated parts instead. 

See also  What Does It Cost To Build A She Shed?

These packs come with everything you need to easily assemble it yourself and save potentially hundreds of dollars. If you have even the most rudimentary knowledge of how to make things, you can use these kits without any problems at all. You can potentially save hours of your life that would have been spent learning how to assemble each piece from scratch.  

There’s a kit for just about every possible use case. It doesn’t matter if all you’re looking for is a simple basic storage shed for just some garden tools and a mower, or if you’re looking to build an entire small guest house, complete with beautiful architecture and a spacious interior. Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll be able to find it. Prices start as low as $50 on places like Amazon, though it would only include instructions and the bare essentials, as you would be expected to supply most of the actual parts. Larger and more expensive kits can cost up to thousands of dollars, but just about all the work and supply is done for you.

When whatever kit arrives, simply follow the included directions and you’ll be on your way. Most kit designers are aware that the majority of people who order them likely won’t be expert

builders or construction workers, and so the instructions are usually designed in a manner that anyone could understand. As long as you have the tools laid out in the instructions, you’ll be able to build it without needing anything else.

Shed kit on Amazon.

Tip 3: Prep the Building Site

You’ve made sure that you have the permits, you decided on if you’re going to use a kit or not, and now it’s time to prepare the site you’ve chosen for building.

  • Ideally, you should choose an area to put the shed that is level with the ground, that way you can save a lot of time that would have been spent grading the soil and making it level enough to build on.
  • Using a shovel, remove all the grass from the spot you’ve chosen to build the shed on. Afterward, pack the soil down the best you can with a tamper. Pour at least 2 inches of gravel over it. This will be very important, as it helps any water that collects under the shed drain back down, rather than damaging the floor.
  • Re-review the specifics of the measurements of the shed to make double-check that you’ve prepared the correct amount of ground. Preparing too much isn’t that big of a deal, but too small and you’ll need to do even more work. Using a tape measure, measure the exact size of the shed. Mark the perimeter of it with paint, wooden stakes, or something indicator at the corners and then run a string along each of them to form a box.
  • Place down concrete blocks in all the corners of the shed. Check the building code of your local area to ensure you don’t need to place down more, as that can be the case.
  • Double-check the alignment of the blocks. Measure across all the rows horizontally, then measure diagonally from one corner to its opposite. Repeat from the other two corners. The measurements should all be the same if the bricks are laid out correctly.
  • For one final check, lay a board across the rows of blocks. Place a level on top of it and check to ensure that the blocks are all level. Adjust as needed to ensure that is the case.
See also  Cheapest Way to Build a Shed: DIY Strategies for Savvy Builders

After following these tips, you’re all set to begin following the instructions for whatever guide you’re following.


Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Sheds, 3rd Edition: Design & Build a Shed: – Complete Plans – Step-by-Step How-To (Black & Decker Complete Guide)

Whether you’re going to build a simple prefabricated shed from a kit or construct the greatest shed from scratch or use shed plans, you’ve now done all the prep work needed to ensure that you won’t run into any problems. Whatever you end up building, remember not to rush into things. Take it slow, plan things out, and prepare for unexpected hitches that slow things down. Trying to rush a project like this will only lead to further problems down the line. 

With all these tips in mind, it’s time to start building!

Learn How to Build a Shed the Right Way the First Time

You want to build a shed and we want to help you do it right. Get tips on selecting the right location, foundation, plans, materials, tools, and much more.